An electrician charges $75 as a one-time fee plus an additional $45 per hour. If the total bill is $131.25, how many hours did it take for the electrician to complete the repair?

Part A: Define the variable for this problem. (5 pts)

Part B: Write an equation with the variable to represent the situation. (5 pts)

Part C: Solve the equation. Show ALL work. (10 pts)

Part D: If he arrived at 9:30 a.m., what time was he finished with the repair? (5 pts)

Part A: Let x = the number of hours it took for the electrician to complete the repair.

Part B: 75 + 45x = 131.25

Part C: 75 + 45x = 131.25
45x = 56.25
x = 1.25 hours

Part D: The electrician was finished with the repair at 10:45 a.m.