An electrician charges $75 as a one-time fee plus an additional $45 per hour. If the total bill is $131.25, how many hours did it take for the electrician to complete the repair? Solve the equation. Show ALL work

Let's say the number of hours the electrician took to complete the repair is h.

The cost for the hourly rate is 45h
The total amount the electrician charged was 45h + 75 = <<45*h+75=75+45*h>>75 + 45h
Since the total bill was $131.25, we can set up the equation 75 + 45h = 131.25
Subtracting 75 from both sides, we get 45h = 131.25 - 75 = 56.25
Dividing both sides by 45, we get h = 56.25 / 45 = 1.25
Therefore, it took the electrician 1.25 hours to complete the repair.

can you solve it more 7th grade level

Sure! Let's solve the problem step by step:

1. Let's start by finding the additional cost for the hours worked by the electrician. We are given that the electrician charges $45 per hour. Let's say the number of hours worked is 'h'.
Additional cost for the hours = 45 * h

2. We also know that the electrician charges a one-time fee of $75.

3. The total bill is given as $131.25.

4. We can now write an equation using the given information to find the number of hours worked.
One-time fee + Additional cost for the hours = Total bill

$75 + (45 * h) = $131.25

5. To isolate 'h' on one side, we subtract $75 from both sides of the equation:
(45 * h) = $131.25 - $75

6. Simplifying the right side:
(45 * h) = $56.25

7. Finally, we divide both sides of the equation by 45 to solve for 'h':
h = $56.25 / 45

8. Simplifying the right side:
h = 1.25 hours

Therefore, it took the electrician 1.25 hours to complete the repair.

: If he arrived at 9:30 a.m., what time was he finished with the repair? Show calculations.

Sure! Let's calculate the time the electrician finished the repair based on the given information.

If the electrician arrived at 9:30 a.m. and took 1.25 hours to complete the repair, we need to add the 1.25 hours to the starting time to find the finishing time.

9:30 a.m. + 1.25 hours = 10:45 a.m.

Therefore, the electrician finished the repair at 10:45 a.m.