Review your final research proposal draft one last time. Make sure that your topic focuses on some cultural aspect of one of the countries (Turkey, Armenia, Iraq, India, or Sri Lanka). Make sure that you have included 5–6 research questions and 5 sources with 3–5 sentences accompanying each to justify using the source that you chose.

As an AI language model, I don't have access to personal documents or the ability to review individual files. However, I can help guide you on how to review your research proposal draft and provide suggestions to ensure that it meets the requirements.

To review your final research proposal draft, follow these steps:

1. Topic: Check if your topic focuses on a cultural aspect of one of the countries listed (Turkey, Armenia, Iraq, India, or Sri Lanka). Ensure that your topic is clear and specific, addressing a particular cultural aspect.

2. Research Questions: Make sure you have included 5–6 research questions that are relevant to your chosen topic. Each question should be clear, concise, and focused on the specific cultural aspect you are investigating.

3. Sources: Review your list of sources and ensure that you have included at least 5 credible and relevant sources. Each source should be properly cited in a consistent citation style (e.g., APA, MLA). Additionally, for each source, provide 3–5 sentences to justify using that particular source. Ensure that your justifications include the relevance, credibility, and reliability of the source.

Here is an example of how you can justify using a source:

Source: Smith, J. (2020). Cultural Diversity in Turkey: A Comparative Analysis. Journal of Cultural Studies, 25(2), 45-62.

Justification: This peer-reviewed journal article by Smith (2020) is highly relevant to my research topic as it provides a comprehensive analysis of cultural diversity in Turkey. The author employs a comparative approach, examining various cultural aspects such as language, traditions, and beliefs. The article is based on extensive fieldwork and interviews, making it a reliable source for understanding the cultural dynamics of Turkey.

Remember to review each source in your final draft, ensuring their relevance, reliability, and credibility. Additionally, consider the overall coherence and organization of your proposal, as well as the clarity of your research questions and objectives.

Good luck with your research proposal!