Which behavior is a sign someone might be eating in a disordered way?

A: having dessert once a week
B: regularly skipping meals
C: eating the occasional salty snack
D: drinking only water with meals

B: regularly skipping meals

The answers from the test is 1.C

100% Correct took the test :D

I took this test like a month ago for me and i wrote down the answers lol

ill put the other ones later but ill come back

The behavior that could be a sign someone might be eating in a disordered way is B: regularly skipping meals.

Eating disorders can manifest in various ways, but regularly skipping meals could be indicative of disordered eating patterns. To identify such behavior, it is crucial to observe an individual's eating habits and patterns over a period of time.

To get a better understanding of someone's eating habits and detect potential signs of disordered eating, it is important to look for consistent patterns of behavior. Here are a few steps you can take:

1. Observe their eating routine: Take note of whether they frequently skip meals or consistently avoid eating at certain times.
2. Watch for unusual food behaviors: Pay attention to specific behaviors around food, such as cutting food into very small pieces, overly obsessive calorie counting, or an extreme avoidance of certain food groups.
3. Notice changes in weight: Significant weight loss or gain may be indicative of disordered eating habits.
4. Monitor emotional well-being: Eating disorders are often accompanied by emotional distress. Look for signs of depression, anxiety, or extreme concern about body image or weight.

Keep in mind that a single behavior or sign is not always a definitive indicator of disordered eating. It is important to approach the subject with sensitivity and seek professional help if you suspect someone may be struggling.