Which characteristic is true of a theme?(1 point)

as of 2/9/23 this is correct...

1. Not stated outright by the author
2. An underlying Message

you're welcome :)

A theme is a central idea or message in a story.

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To determine the characteristic that is true of a theme, one can follow these steps:

1. Understand what a theme is: A theme is the main idea or underlying message in a literary work, such as a novel, play, or poem. It is the central subject or topic explored by the author.

2. Consider the options: In this case, there is only one option, denoted by the phrase "(1 point)." Therefore, the characteristic that is true of a theme can be found in the given options.

3. Evaluate the options: Since we only have one option, it must be the correct answer by default. Unfortunately, without the options provided, I cannot provide a specific answer based on the given information. If you could provide the available options, I would be happy to assist you further in identifying the correct characteristic of a theme.