Which characteristic is true of a theme?

saddy provides the addie is wrong i got a 1/2 the correct answers are:

1.It is not stated by the author outright
2.an underlying message


Alexthekid is correct 100%

1.It is not stated by the author outright
2.an underlying message

I would have to say it’s the plot because the plot leads to the theme

thanks :)

A theme is a central idea or message that is conveyed in a piece of literature, art, or any other form of creative work. It often reflects the underlying meaning or purpose of the work and provides insights into the human condition or society.

To identify the characteristic of a theme, you can follow these steps:

1. Read or analyze the creative work: Start by carefully reading or observing the piece of literature, artwork, or other creative works. Pay attention to the plot, characters, settings, symbols, and events.

2. Identify recurring elements: Look for recurring elements or patterns that reappear throughout the work. These may include repeated symbols, motives, or conflicts.

3. Determine the underlying message: Reflect on the recurring elements you have identified and think about what they might collectively suggest or imply. Consider the emotions evoked, the lessons learned, or the insights into human experiences.

4. Formulate the theme: Based on your analysis, formulate a statement or concept that captures the central idea or message behind the work. A theme should be a broad, abstract concept that can apply to various situations or contexts.

5. Evaluate its relevance and universality: Consider how well the theme relates to the entire work and if it resonates beyond the specific story or piece. Themes often have a universal quality, tackling fundamental aspects of the human experience.

By engaging in close reading or careful analysis and considering the recurring elements and underlying messages, you should be able to identify the characteristic that is true of a theme.

1. it is not stated by the author outright

2.a main idea