Which characteristic is true of a theme?(1 point)


It is not stated by the author outright.***

It is not linked to symbols.

It is a summary of the plot.

It is explained by the author.

Which description best defines a theme?(1 point)

a summary

an analysis

an underlying message***

a main idea

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Yes, both of your responses are correct.

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what is the answer for Which characteristic is true of a theme?

Yes, you got both questions right!

In the first question, the characteristic that is true of a theme is that it is not stated by the author outright. This means that the theme is not explicitly mentioned or directly expressed by the author in the text. Instead, readers need to analyze the story and interpret the events, characters, and symbols to uncover the underlying theme.

In the second question, the best definition of a theme is that it is an underlying message. Themes are the central ideas or concepts that the author is trying to convey through the story. They are the deeper meanings or insights that readers can derive from the text.

Good job on answering both questions correctly!