Which of the following choices defines the theme of a narrative or novel?(1 point)


the conflicts that characters encounter throughout the story
the conflicts that characters encounter throughout the story

the message or underlying meaning about life that the author wants the reader to infer
the message or underlying meaning about life that the author wants the reader to infer

the one-word topic that the author wants the reader to focus on
the one-word topic that the author wants the reader to focus on

the statement an author makes in the introduction

1.) Which of the following choices defines the theme of a narrative or novel?

the message or underlying meaning about life that the author wants the reader to infer*

2.) Which statement best expresses the theme of the novel?

Don’t let your disability interfere with your abilities.*

3.) Which quote does not provide text evidence to support the theme of Out of My Mind?

“Hmmm, I thought. Claire gets sick in the middle of a crowded restaurant, yet I’m the one everybody looks at sideways.” *

100%! I hope you have a good day <3

of the story

the statement an author makes in the introduction of the story

The correct choice that defines the theme of a narrative or novel is:

- the message or underlying meaning about life that the author wants the reader to infer.

The correct choice that defines the theme of a narrative or novel is:

- the message or underlying meaning about life that the author wants the reader to infer

To identify the theme of a narrative or novel, you need to look for recurring ideas, symbols, or motifs throughout the story. The theme is not explicitly stated but rather inferred by the reader based on the events, characters, and the author's choices. It is the overall message or underlying meaning that the author wants the reader to take away from the story. It may reflect on topics such as love, friendship, loyalty, power, justice, or any other universal human experience. By analyzing the story's elements and considering the author's intentions, you can discover the theme of a narrative or novel.