Which of the following choices define theme? Select the two correct answers.(1 point)

the focus of the discussions characters have in the story

the conflicts that arise throughout the story

the statements that the author makes in the introduction

the central idea that the author wants the reader to focus on

the message that the author wants the reader to learn

here are the answers

1. the central idea that the author wants the reader to focus on, the message the author wants the reader to learn

2. a general statement that can be applied to other areas.

3.changing our perception of a situation can help us persevere

4. Olivia continued to try out for a new play everyday until she finally got the lead role in may this year, In february brendan found out that after a dozen job interviews he finally got the job as an accountant

trust me these are the right answers plz
i turned it in just lie this and i got a 4/4 these only work for connexus

other then that hope u get an 100

omg thanks banana joe i got 4/4 :)))

Hey, dude! what are you doing cheating without me?! 😂

we need more pp in the world like Banana joe

banana joe is correct! 100% lol

Thank you banana joe your answers are correct! Have a great day and stay safe! Bye!

That name tho.. Reminded me of Banana joe from amazing world of gumball lol

Hi nicole do you know where the donuts aree?

1) the central idea that the author wants the reader to focus on

The message that the author wants the reader to learn

2) a general statement that can be applied to other areas

3) changing our perception of a situation can help us preserve

4) in February Brendan found out that after over a dozen interviews he finally got the job as an accountant.
Olivia continued to try out for a new play every year until she finally got the lead role in may this year.

i need help with this