How can readers best determine the theme of a story? Select the two correct answers.(1 point) Responses by comparing with other stories by comparing with other stories by looking for patterns by looking for patterns by reviewing the setting by reviewing the setting by analyzing story details by analyzing story details by reading the story

by analyzing story details and by looking for patterns

The two correct answers to determine the theme of a story are:

1. By comparing with other stories: One way to determine the theme of a story is by comparing it to other stories with similar elements, characters, or plotlines. This comparison can help identify recurring themes and motifs.

2. By analyzing story details: Another way to determine the theme of a story is by analyzing the details within the story, such as the character's actions, dialogue, and relationships. These details can provide clues about the underlying messages and themes present in the narrative.

The two correct answers for determining the theme of a story are:

1. By comparing with other stories: One way to determine the theme of a story is by comparing it with other stories. By identifying common themes among different narratives, readers can gain insight into the underlying messages and ideas present in the story they are analyzing. This can be done by reading similar genres or exploring works by the same author.

2. By analyzing story details: Another way to determine the theme is by analyzing the details within the story itself. This involves closely examining the characters, their actions, the conflicts they face, and the resolutions that occur. By paying attention to recurring ideas or motifs, readers can identify the central message that the author is trying to convey.

To determine the theme of a story, it is important to read the story itself and actively engage with the text. This can involve highlighting key passages, taking notes, and thinking critically about the events and messages presented.