Many of the stories in this unit have a theme of loss in common. here are the stories from this unit that include the theme of loss in another country, Babylon revisited and the chrysanthemums. choose one of these stories and explain all of the following

which character or chacters experience a loss

what did the charchter or charcters lose

how does this loss affect the story

I will choose the story "Babylon Revisited" for this question. In this story, the main character, Charlie Wales, experiences a loss. He has lost his wife, his daughter, and his home in Paris. This loss affects the story in a number of ways. Charlie is struggling to regain his life and his daughter, and his loss serves as a reminder of how much he has lost and how much he has to gain. His loss also serves as a reminder of the fragility of life and how quickly things can change. Charlie's loss also serves as a catalyst for the story, as it is his desire to regain his daughter and his home that drives the plot forward.

I will choose the story "Babylon Revisited" to answer your questions.

In "Babylon Revisited," the main character, Charlie Wales, experiences a significant loss. He has lost custody of his daughter, Honoria, after the death of his wife and a period of reckless behavior that led to his mental breakdown.

Charlie Wales primarily loses his reputation and stability due to his past actions. He used to live a lavish lifestyle during the 1920s, filled with parties, extravagance, and alcohol. However, his loss of wealth and his previous behavior have resulted in the loss of trust from both his family and the authorities.

This loss plays a significant role in the story as it serves as the main conflict. Charlie's visit to Paris is an attempt to convince his sister-in-law, Marion, who has custody of Honoria, that he has changed and is now capable of being a responsible father. Throughout the story, Charlie's Desire to regain custody is marred by the fear of losing once again, highlighting the theme of loss throughout the narrative. The loss of his daughter, coupled with his desperation to make amends, creates a sense of urgency and tension in the story.

Overall, the loss experienced by Charlie Williams in "Babylon Revisited" drives the narrative forward and serves as a central theme, highlighting the consequences of past actions and the struggle for redemption.