Being Your Best Unit Test

17 of 1917 of 19 Items

Use the stories titled “The Chance” and “The Savoy” to answer the question.

The Chance

The Savoy

How are the pictures in the two stories similar?

(1 point)

Both stories have pictures that are not realistic.
Both stories have pictures that are not realistic.

Both stories have pictures that are drawings and photographs.
Both stories have pictures that are drawings and photographs.

Both stories have pictures of historical events.
Both stories have pictures of historical events.

Both stories have pictures of the setting.
Both stories have pictures of the setting.

Correct answer: Both stories have pictures of the setting.

Both stories have pictures that are not realistic.

To answer the question, we need to refer to the stories titled "The Chance" and "The Savoy" and analyze the pictures in both stories. Let's break down the question further to find similarities between the pictures in the two stories.

1. Find the stories titled "The Chance" and "The Savoy" in your reading materials or any other appropriate sources.

2. Read the two stories carefully, paying close attention to any descriptions or references to pictures within the text.

3. Look for any descriptions or mentions of pictures in either story. Note the characteristics or attributes of the pictures mentioned.

4. Compare the pictures from both stories based on the similarities mentioned in the provided options.

- Option 1: If both stories have pictures that are not realistic, meaning the pictures depict something abstract or imaginary, then this option could be correct.

- Option 2: If both stories have pictures that are drawings and photographs, indicating that the illustrations or photographs are used to visually represent the content of the stories, then this option could be correct.

- Option 3: If both stories have pictures of historical events, implying that the pictures show significant events from the past, then this option could be correct.

- Option 4: If both stories have pictures of the setting, meaning the pictures depict the physical environment or location where the events of the stories take place, then this option could be correct.

5. Select the option that aligns with the characteristics of the pictures described in both stories.

Based on the given choices, the correct answer is: "Both stories have pictures of the setting."