Ms. Owens has 259 pages of scrap paper. She wants to assemble paper packets with the same amount of scrap paper for each group of students. If Ms. Owens divided the class into 7 groups of students, how many pages of scrap paper will each packet contain?

37 pages of scrap paper per packet.

To find out how many pages of scrap paper each packet will contain, we need to perform a division operation. We will divide the total number of pages of scrap paper (259) by the number of groups (7).

259 ÷ 7 = 37

Therefore, each packet will contain 37 pages of scrap paper.

To find the number of pages of scrap paper in each packet, we need to divide the total number of pages by the number of groups.

The total number of pages of scrap paper is 259.
Ms. Owens divided the class into 7 groups of students.

To find the number of pages of scrap paper in each packet, we divide 259 by 7:

259 ÷ 7 = 37

Therefore, each packet will contain 37 pages of scrap paper.