Students will submit the rough draft of their Research Paper at the end of this lesson. This paper should be around 1-2 pages and should be about a cultural aspect of one of the following country Iraq

, focusing on traditional clothing.

Iraq is a country rich in history and culture, with a diverse population that includes Arabs, Kurds, Turkmen, and Assyrians, among others. One aspect of Iraqi culture that is particularly fascinating is traditional clothing. Iraqi traditional clothing reflects the country's rich history and the influence of various cultures that have inhabited the region over the centuries.

Traditional clothing in Iraq varies by region and ethnic group. In general, traditional Iraqi clothing is modest and loose-fitting, reflecting the conservative values of the society. Men typically wear a dishdasha, a long, flowing robe that is usually white or beige in color. They may also wear a kufiya, a traditional headdress that is worn folded into a triangle shape.

Women's traditional clothing in Iraq is also modest and typically consists of a long, loose-fitting dress called a jalabiya, often adorned with intricate embroidery or beadwork. Women may also wear a headscarf or hijab to cover their hair. In some regions of Iraq, women wear a traditional robe called an abaya, which is often black in color and worn over other clothing.

Traditional clothing in Iraq is not just a reflection of cultural identity, but also a way to preserve and pass on traditions to future generations. In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in traditional Iraqi clothing, with designers incorporating traditional elements into modern clothing designs. This fusion of traditional and modern styles has helped to keep Iraqi cultural heritage alive and relevant in today's society.

Traditional clothing in Iraq is a symbol of cultural identity and heritage, reflecting the country's rich history and diverse population. By preserving and continuing to wear traditional clothing, Iraqis are able to connect with their past and pass on their cultural traditions to future generations. As Iraq continues to modernize and evolve, it is important to remember the importance of traditional clothing in preserving the country's unique cultural identity.