Which step should a writer take before deciding how to organize their informative text?(1 point)


Write a rough draft.
Write a rough draft.

Create headings for the text.
Create headings for the text.

Create an original hook for an introduction.
Create an original hook for an introduction.

Look at the facts and ideas collected.
Look at the facts and ideas collected.
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Look at the facts and ideas collected.

The step a writer should take before deciding how to organize their informative text is to "Look at the facts and ideas collected."

The correct step a writer should take before deciding how to organize their informative text is: Look at the facts and ideas collected.

To determine how to organize an informative text, it is important for a writer to first review the facts and ideas that have been collected. By examining the information that has been gathered, the writer can gain a better understanding of the main points and supporting details that should be included in the text. This allows the writer to identify the most logical and effective way to present the information to the reader.

After reviewing the facts and ideas, the writer can then proceed to create headings for the text. These headings will help to structure the information and make it easier for the reader to navigate through the text. Additionally, creating an original hook for the introduction can capture the reader's attention and set the tone for the rest of the text.

Lastly, it is important for the writer to write a rough draft. This serves as an initial version of the text and allows the writer to start organizing their thoughts and ideas. The rough draft can then be revised and refined through the editing process to ensure a clear and coherent organization of the information.

Therefore, the correct sequence of steps is:
1. Look at the facts and ideas collected.
2. Create headings for the text.
3. Create an original hook for an introduction.
4. Write a rough draft.