What is another way to refer to an ethical dilemma?

Social enterprise
A “right-versus-right” decision
Corporate social responsibility

Another way to refer to an ethical dilemma is a "right-versus-right" decision. The term "right-versus-right" reflects the idea that ethical dilemmas often involve choosing between two morally acceptable options.

To find this answer, you can rely on a few methods.

1. Utilize a thesaurus: One method is to consult a thesaurus or a similar resource. You can look up the term "ethical dilemma" and find synonyms or alternate phrases that convey a similar meaning.

2. Research: Another option is to conduct research by exploring articles, books, or scholarly papers that discuss the topic of ethical dilemmas. By reading in-depth analyses and explanations, you may come across alternative phrases used to refer to ethical dilemmas.

3. Expert opinion: Seeking advice from experts in the field of ethics or consulting with professionals who deal with ethical dilemmas can also provide valuable insights and alternative terms. They will have a deeper understanding of the subject matter and might offer alternative ways to express the concept.

Remember, it's important to verify the information and cross-reference different sources to ensure accuracy and reliability of the answer.