Which phrase describes evidence?(1 point)

The phrase that describes evidence is "information, facts, or proof that something is true or exists."

To determine which phrase describes evidence, we can begin by understanding what evidence is. Evidence refers to information, facts, or data that can be used to support or prove a claim or proposition. It is used to provide a basis for reasoning or making informed conclusions.

Now, let's explore the given options and identify the one that best aligns with this definition:

1. A statement made without any supporting facts
2. A conclusion drawn without considering all the available information
3. Information used to support or prove a claim
4. An opinion based on personal beliefs

By analyzing the options, we can see that the phrase that describes evidence is option 3: "Information used to support or prove a claim." This option aligns with the definition of evidence, as it indicates that evidence serves as information that can uphold or confirm a claim or proposition.