How do you make a large canvas wall art?

1. Choose a large canvas. The size of the canvas will depend on the size of the wall art you want to create.

2. Prepare the canvas. If the canvas is new, you may need to prime it with gesso. If the canvas is used, you may need to clean it and/or sand it down.

3. Choose a design. You can either create your own design or use a stencil.

4. Paint the canvas. Use acrylic paints to create your design.

5. Add texture. You can add texture to your wall art by using different painting techniques, such as sponging, stippling, or dry brushing.

6. Seal the canvas. Once you are happy with your design, seal the canvas with a clear acrylic sealer.

7. Hang the canvas. Use appropriate hardware to hang the canvas on the wall.