What factors do you think an artist should consider when designing a memorial?

1. The purpose of the memorial: What is the memorial meant to commemorate? Is it meant to honor a person, event, or cause?

2. The location: Where will the memorial be located? Is it in a public or private space?

3. The audience: Who will be viewing the memorial? What age group, gender, or cultural background will be most likely to view it?

4. The materials: What materials will be used to create the memorial? Will it be made of stone, metal, wood, or something else?

5. The design: What type of design will be used? Will it be abstract or figurative? Will it be realistic or symbolic?

6. The message: What message does the memorial convey? Is it meant to inspire, educate, or commemorate?

7. The budget: What is the budget for the memorial? How much can be spent on materials and labor?

8. The timeline: How long will it take to create the memorial? What is the timeline for completion?