Briefly explain the history of ile ife before Oduduwa

Before Oduduwa, the history of Ile-Ife is rooted in ancient times and is largely based on oral traditions and mythological narratives. These stories have been passed down through generations, so it's important to approach them with some caution as they may contain some legendary elements.

According to the Yoruba people's oral tradition, Ile-Ife is considered the cradle of Yoruba civilization and the place where humanity began. It is believed to be the spiritual and cultural center of the Yoruba people. Before the arrival of Oduduwa, several mythical figures and dynasties are said to have ruled over the city.

One notable figure in the mythology is Obatala, who is believed to be the god of creation. It is said that he descended from the heavens with a long chain, a bag of sand, and a rooster. He used the sand to create landforms, and the rooster scattered the sand around, giving birth to various landscapes and rivers.

During this era, it is believed that Ile-Ife witnessed the reign of several mythical kings, including Oranmiyan, a warrior-prince who was characterized by his exceptional military prowess.

However, due to the lack of written records, it is challenging to establish a concrete chronology or historical accuracy regarding Ile-Ife's pre-Oduduwa history. The traditions and myths surrounding this period are crucial in understanding the cultural identity and lineage of the Yoruba people but should be interpreted with appreciation for their mythological nature. It is through these stories that the Yoruba people have preserved their rich heritage and spiritual beliefs.