Step 1: Fill out chart with recipe ingredients with the following rules: (4 pts)

The amounts cannot be whole numbers.
Any decimals need to change to fractions.
You must have at least 3 different denominators
The chart needs to list the ingredients from smallest to largest.
Directions and a title is given.
Step 2: Adding the fractions and dividing the servings for 6 people
Add up the ingredients measures—remember all need to be changed to fractions and work needs to be shown. (2 pts)
Divide the sum so that you know the amount in fraction form how much per serving for 6 people. Show the work. (2 pts)
Step 3: Change recipe to be 3/2 more. (4 pts)
Multiply each of the original fractions in your recipe by 3/2 and show work
Fill out the chart with the new measurements in fraction form.
Step 4: Fraction homework (4 pts)
Decide if the answer is correct or not.
Fill in the 2nd column in the chart with yes, if correct, if not explain the mistake.

Step 1: Fill out chart with recipe ingredients with the following rules:

To complete this step, you need to follow the given rules:

1. Start by listing the ingredients for the recipe in a chart.
2. Make sure that the amounts of ingredients are not whole numbers. If any of them are whole numbers, convert them to fractions by placing them over 1.
3. Convert any decimals to fractions.

To have at least 3 different denominators, choose different values for the denominators when converting whole numbers and decimals into fractions. This will ensure that there is variety in the denominators used.

Lastly, sort the ingredients in the chart from smallest to largest by comparing the fractions. Take note of the fractions and denominators used for each ingredient.

Step 2: Adding the fractions and dividing the servings for 6 people

To add the fractions from the ingredients, you will need to convert them to a common denominator. This common denominator should be the least common multiple (LCM) of the denominators used in the chart.

Once you have the common denominator, add up the numerator values of the fractions. Be sure to show your work clearly, as this will help with grading.

After obtaining the sum of the ingredients, you need to divide it by the number of servings, which in this case is 6 people. Display your work for this division process as well. The result will give you the amount per serving in fraction form.

Step 3: Change recipe to be 3/2 more

To change the recipe by 3/2 more, you should multiply each original fraction in the chart by 3/2. This means multiplying the numerator of each fraction by 3 and the denominator by 2.

Show your work for each multiplication and fill out the chart with the new measurements in fraction form.

Step 4: Fraction homework

In this step, you need to evaluate if the answers provided are correct. Fill in the second column of the chart with "yes" if the answer is correct and "no" if there is a mistake. For each incorrect answer, be sure to explain the mistake to demonstrate your understanding of fractions.