all of the following contributed to the neolithic revolution, except:

A.)advances in agriculture including farming practices and new technologies.
B)domestication of animals.
C)development of permanent settlements and villages.
D) development of language

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand what the Neolithic Revolution was. The Neolithic Revolution was a significant turning point in human history, occurring around 10,000 BCE. It marked the transition from a nomadic, hunter-gatherer lifestyle to a settled, agricultural lifestyle. Now, let's analyze each option:

A) Advances in agriculture, including farming practices and new technologies, were fundamental to the Neolithic Revolution. Before this period, our ancestors relied on gathering food and hunting animals. With advancements in agriculture, they started growing crops and practicing agriculture, which led to increased food production and surplus.

B) The domestication of animals played a crucial role in the Neolithic Revolution. Humans started to tame and breed animals for various purposes like food, labor, and transportation. Domestication of animals allowed for a more reliable source of food and other resources, contributing to settled communities.

C) The development of permanent settlements and villages was another key aspect of the Neolithic Revolution. As people transitioned from a nomadic lifestyle to settled agricultural communities, they built permanent structures and established villages. These settlements were the foundation for social, economic, and cultural development.

D) The development of language is unrelated to the Neolithic Revolution. Language predates the Neolithic period and has been an essential aspect of human existence for thousands of years.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is D) development of language. It was not a direct contributor to the Neolithic Revolution.