The scale of a map is 1:20000

I.find the real distance represented by a distance of 6cm on the map.
2.what distance on the map represent a real distance of 5cm.

To find the real distance represented by a distance on the map, you can use the scale provided. The scale of a map indicates the relationship between the distances on the map and the corresponding distances in the real world.

1. To find the real distance represented by a distance of 6cm on the map, you can use the scale of 1:20000.

The scale 1:20000 means that 1 unit on the map represents 20000 units in the real world. Since we are given the distance on the map (6cm), we can multiply it by the scale ratio to find the real distance:

Real distance = Distance on the map * Scale ratio

Real distance = 6cm * 20000

Real distance = 120000cm

Therefore, a distance of 6cm on the map represents a real distance of 120000cm (or 1200 meters, or 1.2 kilometers) in the real world.

2. Similarly, to find the distance on the map that represents a real distance of 5cm, you can follow the same steps:

Real distance = Distance on the map * Scale ratio

Distance on the map = Real distance / Scale ratio

Distance on the map = 5cm / 20000

Distance on the map = 0.00025cm

Therefore, a real distance of 5cm corresponds to a distance of 0.00025cm on the map.