1. Rest metabolic rate (RMR) can be affected by (1 point)

1. Age

2. You should only eat as many calories as your body needs
3. The place is a visual of the amount of each food group that should be in your diet
4. Proteins
5. Chicken
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Name is correct

Idk I’m looking for the answer T-T

"name" is 100% correct, js like my quiz.

Name is correct

Rest metabolic rate (RMR) refers to the amount of energy your body needs to perform basic functions while at rest. Several factors can affect RMR. Here are some of the main factors that influence RMR:

1. Body composition: The more muscle mass you have, the higher your RMR. This is because muscle tissue is more metabolically active than fat tissue. Therefore, individuals with more lean muscle mass generally have a higher RMR.

2. Age: RMR tends to decrease with age, primarily due to a decline in muscle mass and a decrease in overall physical activity levels. As we get older, our bodies naturally start to lose muscle, which can result in a lower RMR.

3. Gender: On average, men tend to have a higher RMR than women. This can be attributed to factors such as differences in body composition (men typically have more muscle mass) and hormonal variations.

4. Genetics: Your genetic makeup can influence your RMR to some extent. Some individuals may have naturally higher or lower RMRs based on their genes.

5. Environmental factors: Extreme environmental conditions, such as cold temperatures, can increase RMR as your body needs to work harder to maintain its core temperature. Additionally, certain medical conditions, such as hyperthyroidism, can also affect RMR.

To determine the exact impact of these factors on your RMR, it is best to consult with a registered dietitian or healthcare professional who can assess your individual circumstances and provide personalized recommendations. They can help you better understand your unique metabolic needs and guide you in optimizing your overall health and wellness.