A florist had some roses and tulips. she has 1/3of the roses and 4/9 of the tulips. 7/11 of the flowers sold were roses. what farction of the flowers did the florist sell.

To find the fraction of flowers the florist sold, we need to determine the total fraction of roses and tulips sold.

Let's start by determining the fraction of roses the florist sold. We are given that 1/3 of the roses were sold. To calculate this, we multiply the total fraction of roses (1) by the fraction sold (1/3):

Fraction of roses sold = Total fraction of roses * Fraction sold
= 1 * 1/3
= 1/3

Similarly, we need to determine the fraction of tulips sold. We are given that 4/9 of the tulips were sold:

Fraction of tulips sold = Total fraction of tulips * Fraction sold
= 4/9 * 1
= 4/9

Now, we can find the total fraction of flowers sold by summing up the fractions of roses and tulips sold:

Total fraction of flowers sold = Fraction of roses sold + Fraction of tulips sold
= 1/3 + 4/9

To add these fractions, we need a common denominator. The least common multiple of 3 and 9 is 9. Let's convert the fractions:

Total fraction of flowers sold = (3/9) + (4/9)
= 7/9

Therefore, the florist sold 7/9 of the flowers.