There are 9 roses in a vase . Of the 9 roses, 6 are red and the rest are yellow.What fraction of the roses are red?

reduce 6/9 to lowest terms

So you could say that 6/9 of the roses are red


you could figure out the simplified fraction:

So we know that the word problem can be answered by 6/9 so we have to figure out what 6/9 is equal to

So in order to do that we have to figure out the prime factors of 6 and 9

6 = 2x3
9 = 3x3
So we can see that on the right the 3s match that means you can cancel them out

6 = 2
9 = 3
So that means 6/9 is equal 2/3

hope this makes sense, but if it doesn't you can look up simplified fractions, there are tons of great YouTube videos about it :)

To find the fraction of roses that are red, you need to divide the number of red roses by the total number of roses.

Number of red roses = 6
Total number of roses = 9

So, the fraction of roses that are red can be found by dividing the number of red roses by the total number of roses:

Fraction of red roses = Number of red roses / Total number of roses

Fraction of red roses = 6 / 9

Simplifying the fraction, we get:

Fraction of red roses = 2 / 3

Therefore, the fraction of roses that are red is 2/3.

To find the fraction of red roses, we need to divide the number of red roses by the total number of roses. In this case, there are 6 red roses out of a total of 9 roses.

So, the fraction of red roses can be calculated as:

Red Roses / Total Roses = 6 / 9

To simplify this fraction, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 3 in this case:

6 ÷ 3 / 9 ÷ 3 = 2 / 3

Therefore, the fraction of the roses that are red is 2/3.