write a program that declares a structure to store country name and population millions. it defines two structure variable and inputs values. it passes both variabale and function that shows the record of the country with more population

Sure! Here's an example of a C++ program that declares a structure to store country name and population in millions, and then finds and displays the country with the highest population:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

// Structure to store country name and population in millions
struct Country {
string name;
int population;

// Function to display the record of the country with the highest population
void displayCountryWithHighestPopulation(const Country c1, const Country c2) {
if (c1.population > c2.population) {
cout << "Country with the highest population: " << c1.name << endl;
cout << "Population: " << c1.population << " million" << endl;
} else {
cout << "Country with the highest population: " << c2.name << endl;
cout << "Population: " << c2.population << " million" << endl;

int main() {
// Declare two structure variables
Country country1, country2;

// Input values for the first country
cout << "Enter name of the first country: ";
getline(cin, country1.name);
cout << "Enter population in millions for " << country1.name << ": ";
cin >> country1.population;
cin.ignore(); // ignore the newline character

// Input values for the second country
cout << "Enter name of the second country: ";
getline(cin, country2.name);
cout << "Enter population in millions for " << country2.name << ": ";
cin >> country2.population;
cin.ignore(); // ignore the newline character

// Call the function to display the country with the highest population
displayCountryWithHighestPopulation(country1, country2);

return 0;

To understand how this program works, let's go through the steps:

1. We start by declaring a structure called `Country` that contains two members: `name` (of type `string`) and `population` (of type `int`).
2. Next, we define a function called `displayCountryWithHighestPopulation` that takes two `Country` variables as parameters, compares their populations, and displays the country with the highest population.
3. In the `main` function, we declare two `Country` variables: `country1` and `country2`.
4. We then prompt the user to input values for the first country's name and population using `cin` and `getline`.
5. Similarly, we ask the user for input values for the second country's name and population.
6. Finally, we call the `displayCountryWithHighestPopulation` function, passing `country1` and `country2` as arguments to find and display the country with the highest population.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.