Which statements about Bolivia are NOT true about the United States

Select all that apply
1 the country and millions of acres of the forest to its indigenous people
2 The country I wasn’t another one of its freedom fighters
3 The country we came and locked after war with the neighborhood country
4 Spanish controlled part of its territory
5 There were people living there before the Europeans arrived

I think it is 4 and 1

Typo 2&3 are

The country was named after one of its freedom fighters
The country became landlocked after a war with the neighborhood country

I know for sure that it is not 5 because I googled it and it is true. So between 2 & 3 I believe it is 3 since the war was not necessarily a neighborhood country

To determine which statements about Bolivia are NOT true about the United States, let's analyze each statement:

1) The country and millions of acres of the forest to its indigenous people.
This statement implies that Bolivia has given the country and millions of acres of forest to its indigenous people. In the case of the United States, it does not have the same claim. Indigenous land rights in the United States have been a complex issue throughout history. Therefore, Statement 1 is NOT true about the United States.

2) The country wasn’t another one of its freedom fighters.
This statement is difficult to decipher and seems to lack clarity. Without more context or information, we cannot determine its accuracy in relation to either country, Bolivia or the United States. Therefore, we cannot conclude if it is true or false about the United States.

3) The country we came and locked after war with the neighborhood country.
This statement appears to imply that the country (Bolivia) came and "locked" after a war with its neighbor. In the case of the United States, it does not align with any specific historical event related to an immediate neighbor. Therefore, Statement 3 is NOT true about the United States.

4) Spanish controlled part of its territory.
This statement suggests that Spain controlled part of Bolivia's territory. In the case of the United States, this statement is NOT true. While Spain did have control over parts of the United States during the colonial period, it does not hold true for the entirety of the country's territory. Therefore, Statement 4 is NOT true about the United States.

5) There were people living there before the Europeans arrived.
This statement implies that there were people living in Bolivia before the arrival of Europeans. The same applies to the United States, where numerous indigenous tribes inhabited the land long before European exploration. Therefore, Statement 5 is true about both Bolivia and the United States.

From the given statements, the two statements that are NOT true about the United States are:

- Statement 1: The country (the United States) gave the country and millions of acres of forest to its indigenous people.
- Statement 4: Spanish controlled part of its territory (referring to the United States).

I agree with you about #1, but not #4.

#s 2 and 3 make no sense.

So your decision includes #1 and which other?

#3 includes this part — "The country became landlocked…"

Are you clear on what "landlocked" means?
Are both countries landlocked? Look at a map of each country to be sure.

#2 involves the name of each country. We know that Bolivia was named for Simon Bolivar. How (or for whom) did the US get its name?