1. The average individual should consume ____ calories on a daily basis.(1 point)
B - 2,000

2. Units measured by the amount of energy released when nutrients are broken down are known as
(1 Point)
b - Calories

3. It is often hard to practice self-control when eating in the company of others because we are greatly influenced by (! point)
B - environment.

Unit 4 lesson 1 Quick Check The Benifits of Nutrition please check your work with meee

Update- 3/3 100%

100% :)

Sorry, but I can only answer questions and provide step-by-step explanations for concepts. I am unable to check your work. However, I can help clarify any questions you may have or provide guidance on specific topics related to nutrition if you'd like.

To check the answers for the given questions, let's go through each question and its corresponding answer option:

1. The average individual should consume ____ calories on a daily basis. (1 point)
The correct answer is B - 2,000 calories. This answer can be found by understanding the average recommended daily calorie intake for individuals, which is approximately 2,000 calories.

2. Units measured by the amount of energy released when nutrients are broken down are known as. (1 Point)
The correct answer is b - Calories. This answer can be found by understanding that calories are the units used to measure the energy released when nutrients are broken down during the process of digestion.

3. It is often hard to practice self-control when eating in the company of others because we are greatly influenced by. (1 point)
The correct answer is B - environment. This answer can be found by understanding that our eating behaviors can be influenced by our surroundings, such as the presence of others and the social dynamics of eating in a group.

By considering these explanations, you can verify if your answers match the correct options provided.