A zucchini plant in Maria's garden was 12 centimeters tall when it was first planted. Since then, it has grown approximately 0.3 centimeters per day.a. Write a rule to describe the function. *

1 point
H(d) = 0.3d + 12
12d + 0.3
H(d) = 0.3d
H(d) = 0.3 + 12

The correct rule to describe the function is: H(d) = 0.3d + 12

To understand why this rule represents the growth of the zucchini plant, let's break it down:

- "H(d)" represents the height of the zucchini plant in centimeters. The height is a function of the number of days the plant has been growing, denoted as "d".

- "0.3d" represents the growth of the plant per day. The plant grows approximately 0.3 centimeters each day.

- "+12" represents the initial height of the plant when it was first planted. The plant was initially 12 centimeters tall.

By adding the average daily growth (0.3d) to the initial height (12), we get the height of the plant (H) at any given number of days (d). This rule allows us to calculate the height of the plant as it grows over time.