3. A zucchini plant in Maria's garden was 12 centimeters tall when it was first planted. Since then, it has grown approximately 0.3 centimeters per day. Write a rule to describe the function. *

H(d) = 0.3d + 12
12d + 0.3
H(d) = 0.3d
H(d) = 0.3 + 12

help pls!

H(d) = 0.3d + 12

Well, Maria's zucchini plant seems to have a growth rate of approximately 0.3 centimeters per day. We could write a rule to describe the function as:

H(d) = 0.3d + 12

In this rule, "H(d)" represents the height of the zucchini plant in centimeters, and "d" represents the number of days since it was first planted.

So, if you want to know how tall the zucchini plant will be after a certain number of days, you can plug that number into the equation and calculate the height.

The correct rule to describe the function for the growth of the zucchini plant in Maria's garden is:

H(d) = 0.3d + 12

In this rule, "H(d)" represents the height of the zucchini plant in centimeters after "d" days. The function is given by multiplying the growth rate of the plant, which is approximately 0.3 centimeters per day, by the number of days, and then adding the initial height of the plant, which is 12 centimeters.

To write a rule that describes the function for the zucchini plant's height, we need to consider that the plant grows approximately 0.3 centimeters per day. The initial height of the plant was 12 centimeters.

Since the growth rate is constant and the plant starts at 12 centimeters, we can use the equation for a linear function:

H(d) = mx + b

H(d) represents the height of the plant after d days,
m represents the growth rate (0.3 centimeters per day),
x represents the number of days,
and b represents the initial height of the plant (12 centimeters).

Using these values, the correct function is:

H(d) = 0.3d + 12

So, the answer is option A: H(d) = 0.3d + 12.

.3 cm/per day ===> height = .3t

How high was it to start with ?