In what ways did Greek culture develop differently from the Italian culture after the division of the Roman Empire

To understand the differences between Greek and Italian culture after the division of the Roman Empire, we need to examine the historical context and the developments that shaped each culture. Here's how you can approach this topic:

1. **Background research**: Start by gaining a basic understanding of the division of the Roman Empire. The empire was divided into the Western Roman Empire (centered in Italy) and the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire, centered in Constantinople).

2. **Political and administrative divisions**: Investigate the political and administrative divisions within the Roman Empire. The Western Roman Empire faced numerous invasions and internal conflicts, leading to its decline, while the Eastern Roman Empire flourished and continued to exist (with some modifications) for centuries.

3. **Greek cultural influence**: Explore the impact of the Eastern Roman Empire on the Greek culture. As the Byzantine Empire, it adopted Greek as its official language, resulting in a strong Greek influence on its culture, language, arts, and religion.

4. **Italian cultural developments**: Look into how Italian culture developed after the fall of the Western Roman Empire. With the decline of centralized authority, Italian society underwent significant changes. It experienced successive waves of Germanic invasions, leading to the emergence of various Germanic kingdoms. Additionally, Italian city-states developed, such as Venice, Genoa, and Florence, becoming centers of art, commerce, and intellectual growth.

5. **Literature and art**: Analyze the literary and artistic differences between Greek and Italian cultures during this period. Greek culture centered around the Eastern Roman Empire produced significant works in literature, philosophy, and theology, including the works of Byzantine scholars such as Procopius and John of Damascus. Meanwhile, Italian culture experienced the flourishing of humanism during the Renaissance, which saw the revival of classical arts and literature.

6. **Religious influence**: Consider the impact of Christianity on Greek and Italian cultures. Christianity played a substantial role in both regions, but the Byzantine Empire developed its distinct form of Orthodox Christianity, while Italy remained predominantly Roman Catholic.

By conducting research and analysis following these steps, you will gain a deep understanding of how Greek culture developed differently from Italian culture after the division of the Roman Empire.