the number has 7 digits. It is evenly divisible by 100. The value of one of the digits is 60,000. The digit in the hundreds place is both even and prime. The digit in the thousands place is half the value of the digit in the ten thousands place. The digit in the hundred thousands place is equal to the number of quarts in a gallon. The digit in the millions place is the largest 1 digit composite number. *

the number has 7 digits --- XXXXXXX

It is evenly divisible by 100 -- XXXXX00
The value of one of the digits is 60,000
The digit in the hundreds place is both even and prime
The digit in the thousands place is half the value of the digit in the ten thousands place --- XX63200
The digit in the hundred thousands place is equal to the number of quarts in a gallon. --- X463200

The digit in the millions place is the largest 1 digit composite number
--- 9463200 , because 9 = 3*3