find the largest number of four digits which is exactly divisible by 18 25 and 35

18 = 2*9

25 = 5*5
35 = 5*7

LCM = 2*9*5*5*7 = 3150

but you want the largest 4 digit number
so ...
3150*2 =6300
3150*3 = 9450
3150*4 = 12600

What do you think?

Good g

thanks helpful


Well, if you want the largest four-digit number that is divisible by 18, 25, and 35, you might not want to use my humor because it'll just get in the way of finding the answer. So, let's get down to business:

To find a number that is divisible by three different numbers, we need to find the least common multiple (LCM) of those numbers.

So, the LCM of 18, 25, and 35 is 450, because it is the smallest number that is divisible by all three.

Now, to find the largest four-digit number divisible by 450, we divide 9999 by 450 and look for the largest whole number quotient.

9999 รท 450 = 22 remainder 99

Since we want the largest number, we take the largest whole number quotient, which is 22, and multiply it by 450:

22 * 450 = 9900

Therefore, the largest four-digit number that is exactly divisible by 18, 25, and 35 is 9900.

To find the largest number of four digits that is exactly divisible by 18, 25, and 35, you need to find the least common multiple (LCM) of these three numbers. The LCM is the smallest number that is divisible by all the given numbers.

Step 1: Find the prime factorization of each number.
- 18 = 2 * 3^2
- 25 = 5^2
- 35 = 5 * 7

Step 2: Determine the highest exponent for each prime factor.
- 2^1, 3^2, 5^2, 7^1

Step 3: Multiply all the prime factors raised to their highest exponent.
- LCM = 2^1 * 3^2 * 5^2 * 7^1 = 2 * 9 * 25 * 7 = 3150

So, the largest number of four digits that is exactly divisible by 18, 25, and 35 is 3150.