a store manager selects 30 cartons of eggs and finds 4 cartons that have cracked eggs. if the store has 105 cartons of eggs how many cartons can she expect to have cracked eggs in them

4 * 105/30 = ____

To find out how many cartons the store manager can expect to have cracked eggs in them, we can set up a proportion.

Let's first find out the proportion of cartons with cracked eggs out of the 30 cartons selected by the store manager:

Proportion of cartons with cracked eggs = (number of cartons with cracked eggs) / (total number of cartons selected)
Proportion of cartons with cracked eggs = 4 / 30

Now, we can use this proportion to estimate the number of cartons with cracked eggs out of the total number of cartons in the store. Let's call this number "x":

Proportion of cartons with cracked eggs = (number of cartons with cracked eggs in the store) / (total number of cartons in the store)
4 / 30 = x / 105

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:

4 * 105 = 30 * x
420 = 30 * x

Now, let's divide both sides by 30 to isolate x:

420 / 30 = x
14 = x

Therefore, the store manager can expect to have approximately 14 cartons with cracked eggs in them out of the total 105 cartons in the store.

I think that equals 3.5