Mary earns a monthly salary of R12 000 . She spends R2 800 per month on food . What percentage of her monthly salary does she spend on food?

800/12000 = 1/15 = .06666.. or 6.7%

They're not right

To find the percentage of Mary's monthly salary that she spends on food, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the amount of money Mary spends on food as a percentage of her monthly salary.
Percentage = (Amount spent on food / Monthly salary) × 100

Let's plug in the values we have:

Amount spent on food = R2,800
Monthly salary = R12,000

Percentage = (2,800 / 12,000) × 100
Percentage = 0.2333 × 100
Percentage = 23.33%

Therefore, Mary spends approximately 23.33% of her monthly salary on food.