Mandla promised to give his mother 2 over 9 of his salary to help with the monthly costs. If he earns R3240 per month. How much does he give her?

To calculate how much Mandla gives his mother, we need to find 2 over 9 of his salary.

First, let's calculate 2 over 9 of Mandla's salary:
2/9 * R3240 = R720

Therefore, Mandla gives his mother R720 every month.

To find out how much Mandla gives to his mother, we need to calculate 2/9 of his salary.

Step 1: Calculate 2/9 of Mandla's salary.
To do this, we multiply Mandla's salary by 2/9:
(2/9) * R3240 = R720.

Therefore, Mandla gives his mother R720 of his salary to help with the monthly costs.

well, that would be 2/9 * 3240 = 720