a man walks 7km in hours and 2 km in 1 hour in the same direction. what is the man's speed for the whole journey

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To calculate the man's speed for the whole journey, we can use the formula:

Speed = Distance / Time

Let's calculate the man's speed for each part of the journey first:

For the first part (7 km in 3 hours):
Speed for the first part = Distance / Time = 7 km / 3 hours = 2.33 km/h

For the second part (2 km in 1 hour):
Speed for the second part = Distance / Time = 2 km / 1 hour = 2 km/h

To calculate the man's speed for the whole journey, we can take the total distance divided by the total time:

Total Distance = 7 km + 2 km = 9 km
Total Time = 3 hours + 1 hour = 4 hours

Speed for the whole journey = Total Distance / Total Time = 9 km / 4 hours = 2.25 km/h

Therefore, the man's speed for the whole journey is 2.25 km/h.

To find the man's speed for the whole journey, we need to calculate the total distance traveled and the total time taken.

The man walks 7 km in 3 hours, so his speed for this part of the journey can be calculated using the formula: Speed = Distance / Time. Therefore, his speed for the first part of the journey is 7 km / 3 hours = 2.33 km/h.

Next, the man walks 2 km in 1 hour. Again, we can calculate his speed using the formula: Speed = Distance / Time. Therefore, his speed for the second part of the journey is 2 km / 1 hour = 2 km/h.

To find the total distance traveled, we add the distances for both parts of the journey: 7 km + 2 km = 9 km.

To find the total time taken, we add the times for both parts of the journey: 3 hours + 1 hour = 4 hours.

Finally, to calculate the man's speed for the whole journey, we use the formula: Speed = Distance / Time. Therefore, his speed for the whole journey is 9 km / 4 hours = 2.25 km/h.

So, the man's speed for the whole journey is 2.25 km/h.