Marjam has a goal of taking at least 10,000 steps today. According to her watch, she got 2,500 steps in the morning. There are 10 hours left in the day. How many steps will she need to get each hour (assume she walks the same number of steps each hour) for the rest of the day to meet her goal? Solve this problem. Which graph most clearly communicates the solution?

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To find out how many steps Marjam needs to get each hour for the rest of the day, we can subtract the steps she has already taken from her goal: 10,000 steps - 2,500 steps = <<10000-2500=7500>>7,500 steps.

Since there are 10 hours left in the day, Marjam needs to get 7,500 steps divided by 10 hours = <<7500/10=750>>750 steps per hour for the rest of the day.

The graph that most clearly communicates this solution would be a bar graph or a line graph showing the number of steps Marjam needs to get each hour for the rest of the day. The x-axis would represent the hours, and the y-axis would represent the number of steps. Each bar or point on the graph would represent the number of steps Marjam needs to get in a specific hour.

answer in number line form

In number line form, the solution would be represented as follows:

0 --- 750 --- 1500 --- 2250 --- 3000 --- 3750 --- 4500 --- 5250 --- 6000 --- 6750 --- 7500

Each number represents the number of steps Marjam needs to get in each hour for the rest of the day, starting from 0 steps in the first hour (since she already took 2500 steps in the morning) and increasing by 750 steps per hour until reaching a total of 7500 steps in the 10th hour.

answer in detail in number line form

Apologies for the confusion. Here is the answer in more detail in number line form:

0 --- 750 --- 1500 --- 2250 --- 3000 --- 3750 --- 4500 --- 5250 --- 6000 --- 6750 --- 7500

This number line represents the number of steps Marjam needs to get in each of the remaining 10 hours of the day in order to meet her goal of 10,000 steps. The number 0 represents the number of steps she needs to get in the first hour (since she already took 2500 steps in the morning).

Each subsequent number on the number line represents the number of steps she needs to get in each consecutive hour. The step count increases by 750 with each hour, representing the equal distribution of steps per hour. The final number on the number line, 7500, represents the number of steps she needs to get in the 10th hour to meet her goal of 10,000 steps.

closed dot or open dot

Since the number line represents the steps Marjam needs to get in each hour, including 0 steps in the first hour, it would be appropriate to use a closed dot to represent each hour. This indicates that Marjam needs to achieve that specific number of steps in each hour. Therefore, all the dots on the number line should be represented as closed dots.