Janice walks a total of 7/8 hour. She walks at a rate of 1 mile every 1/4 hour. How many miles did she walk?

To calculate the number of miles Janice walked, we need to multiply her rate by the time she walked.

Her rate is 1 mile / (1/4) hour = 1/(1/4) = 1 * (4/1) = 4 miles/hour.
The distance Janice walked is obtained by multiplying her rate by the time walked: 4 miles/hour * 7/8 hour = 28 / 8 miles = 7/2 = 3.5 miles. Answer: \boxed{3.5}.

To find the number of miles walked by Janice, we need to multiply her walking rate per hour by the total time she walked.

Given that she walks at a rate of 1 mile every 1/4 hour, we can find her walking rate per hour by multiplying this rate by 4 (since there are 4 quarters in an hour).

1 mile every 1/4 hour × 4 = 1 mile every 1 hour

Now, we know that she walks a total of 7/8 hour. So, we need to multiply her walking rate per hour by the total time she walked.

1 mile every 1 hour × 7/8 hour = 7/8 mile

Therefore, Janice walked a total of 7/8 mile.

To find how many miles Janice walked, we need to find the product of her walking rate (1 mile every 1/4 hour) and the total time she walked (7/8 hour).

Let's start by calculating the walking rate in terms of miles per hour.

Janice walks 1 mile every 1/4 hour, which means she walks 4 miles in 1 hour (since 1/4 is the same as 1 divided by 1/4, and dividing by a fraction is the same as multiplying by its reciprocal).

So, Janice walks at a rate of 4 miles per hour.

Next, we'll multiply the walking rate by the total time Janice walked (7/8 hour) to find the number of miles she walked.

(4 miles/hour) x (7/8 hour)

To multiply fractions, we multiply the numerators together (4 x 7 = 28) and the denominators together (8 x 1 = 8).

So, Janice walked a total of 28/8 miles.

However, we can simplify this fraction. The numerator (28) is a multiple of the denominator (8). Both 28 and 8 can be divided by 4.

28/8 simplifies to 7/2.

Therefore, Janice walked a total of 7/2 miles, which is equivalent to 3.5 miles.