hich best states the central idea of this excerpt?

It is always necessary to work with a partner when dealing with unidentified substances.
Extreme precautions must be taken when dealing with potentially hazardous materials.
Scientists are well known for being overly cautious and for taking unnecessary safety measures.
It is standard procedure to wear both space suits and hearing protectors in laboratories.

What is the excerpt? Cannot copy and paste here.

To determine the best answer that states the central idea of the excerpt, we need to closely analyze the given information. A useful approach is to identify the main message or theme that the passage is trying to convey.

In this case, the central idea of the excerpt is that extreme precautions must be taken when dealing with potentially hazardous materials. This can be inferred from the statement that working with unidentified substances requires a partner, implying the need for caution and support. Additionally, mention of space suits and hearing protectors in laboratories reinforces the idea that safety measures are necessary when handling hazardous materials.

Therefore, the best choice that states the central idea of the excerpt is: "Extreme precautions must be taken when dealing with potentially hazardous materials."