Town Y and Town Z were 512 km apart. Car A left Town Y for Town Z at a speed of 32km/h. An hour later car B left Town Z for Town Y at twice of car A ‘s speed. How long would it take for the two cars to pass each other after car b left town Z?

To solve this problem, we need to first calculate the distance covered by Car A before Car B starts its journey.

Car A is traveling at a speed of 32 km/h and it leaves Town Y an hour before Car B. So, in that one hour, Car A covers a distance of 32 km (since speed multiplied by time gives us the distance).

Now, let's consider the remaining distance between Town Y and Town Z. The total distance between the two towns is 512 km, and Car A has already covered 32 km. Therefore, the remaining distance is 512 km - 32 km = 480 km.

Car B is traveling at a speed that is twice as fast as Car A, so its speed is 32 km/h * 2 = 64 km/h.

Now, we can calculate the time it will take for Car B to cover the remaining distance. We use the formula time = distance / speed.

Time taken by Car B = 480 km / 64 km/h = 7.5 hours.

Therefore, it will take 7.5 hours for Car B to pass Car A after it leaves Town Z.

distance = speed * time

So, if B traveled for time t hours, then
32(t+1) + (2*32)t = 512
Now just solve for t.

when b leaves the distance between cars is d = 512 - 1 Sa

speed = Sa + Sb = Sa + 2Sa = 3 Sa
3 Sa t = 512 - 1 Sa
3 * 32 * t = 512-32 = 480
t = 480/96 = 5 hr