An aeroplane flew 628km from town A to B,437km from town B to town C and then 568km from town C to town D.What is the total distance covered

628 + 437 + 568 = ?

To find the total distance covered, you need to add up the distances flown between each town.

Distance from A to B: 628 km
Distance from B to C: 437 km
Distance from C to D: 568 km

Total distance covered:
628 km + 437 km + 568 km = 1633 km

Therefore, the total distance covered is 1633 km.

To find the total distance covered by the airplane, you need to add the distances between each pair of consecutive towns:

Distance from town A to town B: 628 km
Distance from town B to town C: 437 km
Distance from town C to town D: 568 km

To find the total distance, add these distances together:

628 km + 437 km + 568 km = 1633 km

Therefore, the total distance covered by the airplane is 1633 km.