In 8 years, Kim will be n years old. Write and simplify an expression to represent Sarah's age ten years from now.

In 8 years, Kim will be n years old. If Kim will be 44 years old in ten years, how old will Sarah be in ten years?

To represent Sarah's age ten years from now, we need to consider the given information about Kim's age.

We know that in 8 years, Kim will be n years old. This means that the current age of Kim is n - 8.

We are also given that in ten years, Kim will be 44 years old. So, the current age of Kim can be represented as 44 - 10 = 34 years.

Now, to find Sarah's age ten years from now, we need to consider the age difference between Kim and Sarah. Since we don't have any direct information about Sarah's current age, we'll assume that Sarah and Kim are the same age.

So, if Kim is currently 34 years old, in ten years he will be 34 + 10 = 44 years old.

Therefore, the expression to represent Sarah's age ten years from now is also 44.