kim is 10 years older than laura. Laura is twice as old as melissa. If Melissa will be 10 years old in 5 years, how old is Kim now?

a.15 years old
b.20 yr old
c.25 yr old
d.30 yr old


Melissa --- x
Laura --- 2x
Kim ---- 2x+10

x+5 = 10
x = 5

So Kim is 2x+10 = 10+10 = 20

Melissa: 10-5 = 5yrs. old now.

Laura: 2*5 = 10 yrs old now.
Kim: 10+1o = = 20 yrs old now.

Let's break down the information given step by step:

1. Melissa will be 10 years old in 5 years. Therefore, Melissa's current age is 10 - 5 = 5 years old.

2. Laura is twice as old as Melissa. Therefore, Laura's current age is 5 x 2 = 10 years old.

3. Kim is 10 years older than Laura. Therefore, Kim's current age is 10 + 10 = 20 years old.

So, the correct answer is b. Kim is currently 20 years old.

To solve this problem, let's break it down step by step:

1. Find Melissa's current age:
We are given that Melissa will be 10 years old in 5 years, so we subtract 5 from her future age to find her current age: 10 - 5 = 5 years old.

2. Find Laura's age:
We are given that Laura is twice as old as Melissa, so we double Melissa's age to find Laura's age: 2 * 5 = 10 years old.

3. Find Kim's age:
We are given that Kim is 10 years older than Laura, so we add 10 to Laura's age to find Kim's age: 10 + 10 = 20 years old.

Therefore, Kim is currently 20 years old, which means the correct answer is b. 20 years old.