In 8 years, Kim will be n years old. Write and simplify an expression to represent Sarah's age ten years from now.

In 8 years, Kim will be n years old. If Kim will be 44 years old in ten years, how old will Sarah be in ten years?

To solve this question, we need to first find Kim's current age. We know that in 8 years, Kim will be n years old, so her current age will be n - 8.

Next, we need to find Sarah's age ten years from now. If Kim will be 44 years old in ten years, it means that 44 years from now, Kim will be 44 - 10 = 34 years old.

Since Kim's current age is n - 8, we can set up an equation: n - 8 = 34

To find Sarah's age ten years from now, we need to add ten years to her current age. So, Sarah's age ten years from now can be represented by: (n - 8) + 10.

Simplifying the expression (n - 8) + 10, we get: n + 2.

Therefore, Sarah will be n + 2 years old in ten years.