Revise the inequality to reflect that you can now spend between $150 and $450.

(Meaning to make it a compound inequality)
T = toys
11 = the amount 1 toy costs
18 = one time shipping fee
150 total amount of money you could spend before revision.
The inequality: 11t + 18 ≤ 150.
My answer for the revision: 150 ≤ 11t + 18 ≤ 450
Is my answer correct? Can someone tell me the right one?

Nvm I figured it out I was correct all good

...Im 70% sure >->

you're okay

To revise the inequality to reflect that you can now spend between $150 and $450, you'll need to create a compound inequality.

The original inequality is: 11t + 18 ≤ 150

To make it a compound inequality, we'll split it into two separate inequalities.

The first inequality represents the lower limit:
11t + 18 ≥ 150 (Since we want to spend at least $150)

And the second inequality represents the upper limit:
11t + 18 ≤ 450 (Since we want to spend at most $450)

Combining these two inequalities, the revised compound inequality becomes:
150 ≤ 11t + 18 ≤ 450

So, your answer is indeed correct! The compound inequality 150 ≤ 11t + 18 ≤ 450 reflects that you can now spend between $150 and $450.