Create an appealing educational image illustrating the formula for finding the circumference of a circle. The image should include a large circle with a radius of 450 units distinctively marked. The circle should be present with dimensions clearly specified, and next to the circle, depict the correct formula (2*pi*r) and the incorrect ones subtly faded out. Maintain a vibrant, engaging color scheme and use elements that makes it suitable for a school environment. Note, there must be no text within the image.

Which of the following uses the correct formula to find the approximate circumference of a circle that has a radius of 450?

A. C≈2⋅3.14⋅450

B. C≈3.14⋅4502

C. C≈3.14⋅150

D. C≈3.14⋅450÷2

A. C≈2⋅3.14⋅450