Jasmine earned $4,000 from her business. She gave 1/5 of it to her daughter and son-in-law as a gift. She invested 1/2 of the remaining amount. How much did she have left?

(4/5 * $4,000) * 1/2 = ?

Step 1: Calculate the amount of money Jasmine gave to her daughter and son-in-law.

Jasmine gave 1/5 of $4,000 to her daughter and son-in-law.
$4,000 * 1/5 = $800

Step 2: Calculate the amount of money Jasmine had left after giving the gift.
Her remaining amount is $4,000 - $800 = $3,200.

Step 3: Calculate the amount of money Jasmine invested.
Jasmine invested 1/2 of $3,200.
$3,200 * 1/2 = $1,600

Step 4: Calculate the amount of money Jasmine had left after investing.
Her remaining amount is $3,200 - $1,600 = $1,600.

Therefore, Jasmine had $1,600 left.

To find out how much Jasmine had left, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the amount Jasmine gave to her daughter and son-in-law.
Jasmine gave 1/5 of the $4,000 to her daughter and son-in-law, which can be calculated as:
(1/5) * $4,000 = $800

Step 2: Calculate the remaining amount by subtracting the gift amount from the total amount earned.
Remaining amount = Total amount earned - Gift amount
Remaining amount = $4,000 - $800 = $3,200

Step 3: Calculate the amount Jasmine invested, which is 1/2 of the remaining amount.
Amount invested = (1/2) * $3,200 = $1,600

Step 4: Calculate the amount Jasmine had left by subtracting the investment amount from the remaining amount.
Amount left = Remaining amount - Investment amount
Amount left = $3,200 - $1,600 = $1,600

Therefore, Jasmine had $1,600 left after giving a gift to her daughter and son-in-law and investing a portion of the remaining amount.