Jasmine made a line plot to show the lengths of string in inches that the art teacher gave her for a craft project.

which of the following statements that jasmine made about the string lengths are true?

There are no statements provided for us to determine which are true.

Without any specific statements provided, I cannot determine which ones are true. Could you please provide the statements that Jasmine made about the string lengths?

To determine which statements made by Jasmine about the string lengths are true, you would need to refer to the line plot she created. A line plot is a way to display data by marking Xs above a number line to represent the frequency or number of times each data point occurs.

Here's how you can interpret Jasmine's line plot to answer the question:

1. Obtain Jasmine's line plot: Ask Jasmine to provide the line plot she created or search for it if it's available.

2. Examine the data points: Look for the lengths of string in inches represented by the Xs on the line plot.

3. Analyze the Xs on the line plot: Count the number of Xs above each value on the number line to determine the frequency or occurrence of each length of string.

4. Determine the true statements: Based on the Xs on the line plot, identify the statements made by Jasmine that correspond to the lengths of string with a higher frequency of occurrence. These statements would be considered true.

Without access to the line plot or the specific statements made by Jasmine about the string lengths, it is not possible to determine which statements are true. Please refer to the line plot or provide specific statements for further analysis.